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Internet Access Frequently Asked Questions

We've gathered many of your questions about, Web Accelerator and using the Internet. Click on a category below to get started. If you need additional help, contact us by clicking here.

  1. Why Should I Choose
  2. How much does cost?
  3. Where is Internet Service Available?
  4. What is the difference between web based e-mail & pop3?
  5. What is the difference between and companies like AOL., MSN, Prodigy, or CompuServe ?
  6. I currently use AOL., will I be able to keep my e-mail address and still use instant messenger?
  7. I have heard that ISP that offer Internet service & web hosting on the same servers are slow?
  8. I need help setting up my computer to use your service and my e-mail client for your service?
  9. Is affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?

Why Should I Choose

Because we offer the highest quality dialup network service at the best available prices. The easiest way to show you this is for you to read our features.

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How much does cost?

The basic unlimited Service Cost $14.95 per month, and just pay by the month. For more details on prices and optional feature cost Click Here For Price Page

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Where is Internet Service Available? Internet Service is available at over 10,000 dialup access numbers nationwide with Free Roaming in the USA, and Canada with new locations be added all the time. Click Here for access numbers and locations

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What is the difference between web based e-mail and a POP3 account?

We Give You Both! The basic difference is explained here. Web Based e-mail makes it possible to easily pick up your e-mail from any computer anywhere with a Internet connection, while POP3 requires you to configure an e-mail client such as Outlook Express or Eudora on your home personal computer to read the mail.

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What is the difference between and companies like AOL.,MSN,Prodigy, or CompuServe?

First we are considerably less expensive, but probably more importantly, these services tend to try to control your Internet surfing directing toward content they control, and make money from.� With an independent ISP such LDSISP.comyou decide the content and merchants you deal with. Best of all, you get to enjoy the lower prices with a best connection possible.

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I currently use AOL., will I be able to keep my e-mail address and still use instant messenger?

Yes, There're are a couple of ways to approach this: If� its the e-mail address that's the major consideration you can log on to the AOL e-mail when using our dialup, just go to this page. // and enter your AOL Screen Name, and password. This is also the information you need for the AOL instant messenger. If you need to down load AOL Instant Messenger go to // � Another free way to utilize some of the AOL services is by using the 'My AOL' if you just want some AOL features you can make your start page // and select the personalize button, then make this your homepage in your Internet explorer. If you want the full use of AOL, then AOL BYO ISP is a possible solution This service from AOL. cost $9.99 per month.

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I need help setting up my computer to use your service and my e-mail client for advanced technologies is dedicated to providing extensive customer support, more than likely if you have a question or need help accomplishing setup tasks, others have had those same questions, Thus we provide extensive support� in our ISP Help. Of course we realize that your question could be new or you need a further explanation of information provided in our help sections; in these situations we have other means of providing you with the help you need. Please see our SUPPORT PAGE for more information.

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Is affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?

No, is not affiliated wth The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in any way.

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